Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Hardest Workout of My Life

This morning I was up early for my second try at Boot Camp.  Melissa was the instructor for this one.  And it was the hardest workout ever.  Period.  It also didn't help that I was sore from last nights kickboxing class.  Here's what went on (keep in mind that this is at 5:45 AM - so no one's body is ready for the shock):

  • Warm up: A few laps around the track (11 laps=1 mile) (I got there a tad late so I don't know how many we were supposed to do.
  • 15 eight count body builders: Basically a burpee with some added steps:
    • Count one: from standing position to squat
    • Count two: from squat to plank position
    • Count three: jump legs out
    • Count four: jump legs in
    • Count five: down for a push up
    • Count six: up from the push up
    • Count seven: jump legs to chest
    • Count eight: stand
  • Squats with weighted bar (I was so thankful I grabbed the lightest one)
  • Lunges all the way down the gym and back with the weighted bar
  • Army crawl on a scooter: one lap around the gym (literally the worst part of this workout)
  • (While waiting for everyone to finish (which was me)): squats with scooter above head
  • Bear crawl with scooter under hands: two laps (needless to say, I did one lap and still was last)
  • Once again, if you were waiting for me, you were squating
  • To end it all we did an ab workout that was super hard since I did abs the night before with Mandy
I know I'm missing some things, but this is just to give you a taste of the horridness of boot camp.  This is why I like it!  It's gonna whoop me into shape!

Breakfast was hearty: two over medium eggs with toast and fried potatoes.  I got some pictures of it, but later realized that I didn't have a memory card in the camera, so no picture!  I was so sad!  I worked extra hard to make it look pretty!!

I worked all morning since our 9 AM class got cancelled.  I spent the morning spraying weeds with RoundUp.  Yuck!!  I hate chemicals!  But I will spare you the shpeel for now!

I then spent the rest of my morning pulling weeds form our flower gardens.  It was actually enjoyable.  I got the KLove app from my phone so I could listen to a variety of music while I worked.  It was just nice to be outside!  I feel like I'm always cooped up.  Even when I'm working out, it's indoors.  So I loved the fresh air and feeling of dirt getting under my fingernails.

Lunch was hurried since I had to shower and get ready for a photo shoot with the second year students.  I threw a Greek Yogurt, granola bar, string cheese and snack crackers in my backpack and ate on the way.

We went out to Mary's parents farm to take photos.  The second year students got shots of the first year students to practice.  It was so fun!  I'll post pictures as soon as I can.

Speaking of pictures, Mandy still hasn't posted our kickboxing class photo yet!  But I will get it on here as soon as it's up.

After the photo session I got to finish up an assignment called "Days Gone By."  Basically it was photographing antiques.  Here's my favorite:

I had one more class at the college so it was back at if for that.

I shot two more assignments after that, and was going to go to work, but when I reached the apartment, I lost all motivation.  I've been go go go for the past few days and needed a time to unwind.  So I organized my room and made supper.. very slowly and with happiness!  I haven't been rushed through a meal in a while!  So I sat outside (in shorts in 60 degree weather - yes I'm crazy, but I loved the fresh air!) and ate.

Iceberg lettuce, leaf lettuce, kale, baby carrots, grilled chicken sprinkled with feta.  I added low fat ranch after the pictures because it tends to make it look not as pretty! ;)

I finally got to go to church tonight.  I went to women's study where we are starting a study by Beth Moore on Deuteronomy.  It is really good so far!

Night all!


  1. Great blog Tabitha! Blogger didn't have this template when I started mine. Really like the alternate views. Good luck with your boot camp!

  2. hey that was really nice to read - getting dirt under your fingernails, liking the fresh air, working out and abiding in Christ - made me glad to know you (last time i saw you was 14 years ago when we moved out of minnesota - hint, our brothers ben and wayne are best friends). i'll be cheering for you with the continued workouts! - brenda miers
