Thursday, August 23, 2012

YMCA Orientation + Wednesday Eats

Sorry I didn't get this in last night.  I was pretty tired when I hit the sack!

For a breakfast of champions, I had two pieces of toast with peanut butter and homemade raspberry jam.

I also had this lovely smoothie!  Half cup frozen blueberries, half cup frozen strawberries, one whole frozen banana and one cup Diet Blueberry Pomegranate juice.  It was very tasty!  With the frozen fruit, no need for ice!

After breakfast I drove to the Y for my orientation!  It was mostly just filling out a lot of forms, and then a movie with a quiz.  How many of you hate video quizzes?  I can only think about the next question and miss all the other information in between!  After,  I talked to Tim (the head of custodial) and Becky (the front desk lady) about my schedule.  My schedule actually works out really well with working there!  I don't have class from 10-12 everyday and that is prime time for cleaning, so I'll be working there everyday at that time.  They are so flexible and so nice I can't wait to start working there next Monday!

A later lunch was steak and a big salad.

I decided to go for a bike ride to a coffee shop called Jazz N' Java that's about 2.5 miles away.  It's connected to Whitney Music.  It's such a cute little shop.  They have live music two nights a week so I'm going to have to go for that some time!

On my bike ride I used Google Maps to find a way to get there via bicycle.  There's a foot bridge over the train tracks that I had to use since theres no sidewalk along the highway.  I started at the bottom of it at nearly a dead stop and got all the way up.  I'm telling you, it was so hard!  And I'm so proud I did it!

Heres the view of the tracks.  Theres about ten across.  It's pretty full!

And it's pretty long across.

After I was done at the coffee shop (I wrote about 8 more letters), I biked to the public library and got *dramatic chord* A LIBRARY CARD!!! Yay!!!  I'm so pumped!  I can't wait to use it!  And this library is huge compared to my little library at home!  I'm so excited to sink my teeth into it!

For supper it was a great bowl of homemade tomato soup.  It was very tasty and filling!  I love how soup will fill me right up!

This morning I had a lovely bowl of Raisin Bran and now I'm off to the Y for a run.  We'll see the treadmill treats me!  I've never been on one before!!

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